Thursday, November 13, 2008

Triumph...and Trouble!

(dina is wearing First Frost by Silk & Satyr)

As opening day grew closer, all of us worked at a frenzied pace - putting the last touches on the store, practicing our dance moves...

(Thor is wearing Mica Kajirus Leathers by Silk & Satyr)

Many close friends contributed with help and advice for product design...

Of course there were a few missteps, such as when we accidentally autoreturned half of the building...fortunately, our Mad Consultant was on hand to make repairs to the store.

(Zed is wearing Triumvirate by Silk & Satyr. Sort of. He's also wearing our free kajira/kajirus pose stand.)

Things did get a little crazy. We were starting to stress out.

Mistress Courtois advised me that I needed to project a little more "kewlness" in my image. But we soon concluded that any attempt to disguise my hawtness was a mistake. I like the shades, though.

(Julienn is wearing Early to Bed by Silk & Satyr, available exclusively in our unlucky chair.)

Finally, the big day!!! A happiness compounded by sharing it with friends.

(Thomas is wearing Mica by Silk & Satyr)

I was willing to go to any lengths to please my customers.

(Thomas is wearing Mica, dina is wearing Sundown, both by Silk & Satyr)

I was at the store all hours of the day and night. It felt like I was chained to my work.

(Kess is wearing Avril, dina is wearing Sundown, and Thomas is wearing Mica, all by Silk and Satyr)

We were honored by a visit from our friend Kesseret Steeplechase, the lovely and talented designer behind KessKreations. She kindly blogged us - and filmed our dancing! I'm on YouTube! I'm on YouTube!

I have surely arrived.

(Thomas is wearing Chains of Desire by Silk & Satyr)

Indeed, the press was kind...but inadvertently created trouble. One favorable review refered to Mistress Courtois as my "partner." Indeed, we are business partners...but the term has loaded connotations...

I am not, for example, her SL partner. Not that there would be anything wrong with that...Mistress Courtois is a very attractive lady, pursued by many suitors.

(Silk & Satyr takes no responsibility whatsoever for SirFrancis' fashion choices.)

But the real problem lies with my former Master...some 400 years ago, I insisted that we were partners, "eqwalle and frindlie gentlemen." He had other ideas. It was on a long yachting trip that matters finally came to a head...he sold me to the slave masters of Gor to teach me humility. All for my betterment, but the term "partner" is still an emotional trigger...

Shimere: Reality check, TommyBoi. You're retconning again. That isn't what wikipedia says about you. It says that you were beheaded for mutiny.

Thomas: *hmph* You can't trust what you read on wikipedia. Don't you know that?

Shimere: And furthermore, it completely violates Gorean canon. Fighting Slave of Gor clearly establishes that Jason Marshall is the first Earth man brought to Gor as a silk slave. That was loooong after 1578.

Thomas: *tantrum*

Shimere: This is what always happens when you go off your meds.

Well, it doesn't really matter. The point is that he has an explosive temper, and he gets bent out of shape over nothing.. Remember the time when he didn't like my chain dancing, and he nuked the sim?

Well, not exactly nothing...I admit that I was getting a little fast and loose offering larmas at a certain parteh...

(dina is wearing Sundown by Silk & Satyr)

But hey, I wasn't the only one to get out of control. At least I didn't get bitten by a vampire, or worse, wear an embarrassing facelight.

I thought about laying low, donning a disguise, but it would only postpone the inevitable...

And so we prepared to do battle...

(To be continued!)


Sydney said...

*laughs!* Wonderful blogging and hillarious photos+comments.


joelcp said...
